Senin, 20 September 2010

I wish..

I realize, I couldnt escape frm u..
and u won't let me go either.
which part of NO u don't understand, I really can't stand , always want me to give u what u want . after sooo many times knowing u, I still don't understand
I wish i could fly, fly away from u..

Selasa, 14 September 2010

get smart..

sperti puzzle, 1 persatu keping chip ny mulai trkumpul, mkin jlas trbca laman yg slama ini trslubung.
tidak..ak tidk akn menjudge. Ak ykin Ms ai pnya alsn mlakukn itu.
cerdas lh dlm menyikapiny,
sprti bercermin, mlihat dri sndiri pd refleksi kaca . bgitu lh org lain mliht ak